How will they come to believe without a preacher?

Romans |  10:14



Great Catholic Preaching exists to find and share the best Catholic preaching the Roman Catholic Church has to offer. Whether it be via podcast, Facebook, YouTube, or any other form of recorded electronic media, our goal is to find the best Catholic preaching out there, sift through it, sort it, refine it for social media, and post it to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even TikTok.

Contrary to popular belief, the Roman Catholic Church has a rich history of presenting the Gospel in a powerful, compelling, and inviting way - you just have to know where to look.

Foreshadowed with a promise from Christ himself, starting with St. Peter, continuing with St. Paul, up to the present day with St. Theresa of Calcutta, St. Pope John Paul II, and many others, for over 2000 years the Roman Catholic Church has presented to the world the unchanging truth that Jesus is “the way, the truth, and the life.

With the creation of the Internet and the arrival of social media, there are new and easier ways to hear the life changing message of the Gospel. Our goal is to find those messages - to find that great Catholic preaching - and present it in an easy to sample, shareable format so that both you and those you share it with might deepen their faith, grow in holiness, and come to a greater understanding of God’s saving love.

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For I am not ashamed of the gospel: it is the power of God for salvation to every one who has faith.

Romans |  1:16


Why “Preaching”?

Why “Great Catholic Preaching”?
Why not “Great Catholic Homilies”?
Or “Great Catholic Speakers”?

Because the word “Preaching” emphasizes the type of message and delivery we are looking for.

If you’ve found this site, it might be the same type of message and delivery you are looking for as well.

Saint Pope John Paul II said it well when he wrote:


Faith is born of preaching, and every ecclesial community draws its origin and life from the personal response of each believer to that preaching. Just as the whole economy of salvation has its center in Christ, so too all missionary activity is directed to the proclamation of his mystery.

The subject of proclamation is Christ who was crucified, died, and is risen: through him is accomplished our full and authentic liberation from evil, sin and death; through him God bestows “new life” that is divine and eternal. This is the “Good News” which changes man and his history, and which all peoples have a right to hear.


If you agree, we hope you’ll take the time to listen to one of the many preachers we’ve featured, pray about the message, and consider sharing it with others so that many more may come to hear the great Catholic preaching being delivered today in the Roman Catholic Church.



