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Great Catholic Preaching

Great Catholic Preaching is a very small and lean organization but it does take a considerable about of time, energy, and resources to find some of the best Catholic preaching out there.

We are deeply grateful for any amount you can contribute to help us fulfill our mission.
Your donation will help support the mission as it stands today and expanding our outreach in the future.

Any amount is welcome but we are particular thankful for reoccurring donations as they help us have a steady stream of support and plan for the future. If you are considering a donation of $100, we’d like to invite you to commit to a monthly donation of $10. Though small, this will allow us to plan and expand our mission over the long term.

We are NOT yet currently a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Therefore, at this time, we are unable to offer any tax deductible benefits for your donation.

If you have any questions on this or any other topic, please do not hesitate to contact us.

From the bottom of our heart, thank you for any contribution you might be able to make to the mission of Great Catholic Preaching!