"We don't come to church because we are good. We come to church because we are broken."

"We do not come to church because we're good.

We come to church because we're broken.

The idea that sinners should stay away from the church is as irrational as the idea that sick people should stay away from the hospital.

None of us - beginning right here - none of us is worthy to be here.

But it's not about our worthiness anyway.

It's about the Father's love and mercy.

It's our misery, in fact, that attracts the father's mercy.

And the father's mercy likewise attracts sinners who have strayed from God, tried the ways of the world, and come up empty -

-which, by the way, is the only possible outcome for turning our back on God. "

Fr. John Lankeit's Homily for Sept. 15, 2019

Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral

Diocese of Phoenix

Watch the entire homily here: https://youtu.be/sFWi4yjwmHo

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