Great Homily - "What would our world look like if every human being tried try to see each other as a child of God?"

"But the vast majority of the struggles in the church are because of blindness.

70% of Catholics are blind when they come to Holy Mass and the priest lifts up the very body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ, veiled into the appearance of bread, they don't see Jesus. They see bread.

Lord opened my eyes! I want to see your true presence in the Eucharist. I want to see!

So many Christians see the poor and the homeless. They see the addict and they don't see Christ. That is blindness.

Lord open my eyes. I want to see.

For some of you, it may be your spouse, it may be your husband, it may be your wife, it may be your child, it may be your parents who you struggled terribly to see as the image and the likeness of God.

For some of you, it's Nancy Pelosi and pro-choice Catholics who believe the holocaust of abortion is good.

For some of you it's people in another political party.

Do you see them as God sees them?

I think it is tremendously powerful to go to our prayer and say, "Lord, I want to see as you see!"

We often in our prayers will say, "God, help my hands be your hands. Help my feet be your feet.

Help my voice be your voice. Lord, I want to see. I want my eyes to see what you see."

I want you to think of the conflicts, the struggles that you are enduring, the arguments you've gotten into.

"Lord, open my eyes I want to see."

To see as God sees those situations,

not as we see them, not as our broken world sees them,

not as politics sees them, but as God sees them.

I truly believe these words bring healing and power and grace.

And when we begin to see as God sees the world changes.

I want you to dream with me for a moment.

How would our world look like....what would our world look like...

if every human being tried try to see each other as a child of God?"

That in the moments of conflict individuals stopped and said, "How does God see this? Let's look at this was God's eyes not with our blindness."

I want to invite you to pray with me this morning.

So I do invite you to close your eyes right now.

And I want you to think of the person in your life or the conflict in your life that is causing you pain.

The person that might be your enemy, the person causing you heartache, and I ask you just for a moment to call them to mind.

And now I invite you to pray with me just by repeating after me.

Lord opened my eyes. I want to see. Lord open my eyes. I want to see. Help me to see. Give me your eyes. Heal me.


Fr. Jonathan Meyer

All Saints Parish

Guilford, IN

Archdiocese of Indianapolis

Watch the entire homily here:

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