"You belong to God, not to Caesar. You do not belong to politics. You belong to prayer."

“You belong to God, not to Caesar.

You do not belong to politics. You belong to prayer.

We should be informed and involved in the political process to a degree.

But politics is not the only thing and it is not the most important thing.

Unfortunately, it has become too dominant recently.

The first way to defend the rights of God against incursions of the state is to make sure that you are living your life as one who belongs to God.

You should spend more time reading and contemplating eternal things than being tugged into the current of what passes for news.

If you have invested more time in politics than in prayer,

if you've read more about the upcoming elections than about your Lord,

if you've been more concerned about earthly rule than heavenly,

then you have not given to God, what belongs to God.”

Fr. Paul Scalia

St. James Catholic Church

Falls Church, VA

Diocese of Arlington

Listen to the entire homily here.

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